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How to be the main character

How to be the main character.

I have experienced this a lot, it's very easy for me to zone out, completely, dense brain fog, not knowing what to do next and even if I know, I don't know why!

All of these jumped thoughts form a clear way for anxiety to creep in. It's pretty easy to blame everything on me and go on the guilt trip.

I am sure I am not the only one, considering the huge stack of articles on the internet on brain fog, getting back on track, getting out of a slump, and the list goes on!

This journey down the hill takes away all the confidence with it. I have lost the count, to be honest, but it doesn't matter as long as you decide to get back up again.

I love watching movies, series and I am sure a lot of you do too. I do believe movies are a great way of absorbing different perspectives and expanding your visionary spectrum.

And we all know, the main character or the lead of the movie, around whom the story revolves, is always the interesting one, at least that's how it's portrayed and how we perceive it.

The question is, in our storyline, we are the ones who have the power to direct this beautiful or whatever you may like to make it, maybe creative, adventurous, a bit slow, and calming storyline. And you have to start treating yourself that way!

Let's hop onto some of the ways which can help you make this movie or storyline a bit more smooth in terms of direction:

Never break promises to self, never! :

Just like the main character in the great stories, who keep their promises to others but most importantly to self, be honest to your own self!

Our brain works smoothly on familiar patterns. If you have knowingly or unknowingly created the pattern of not completing tasks, leave them hanging, or procrastinating to a point where you lose all the motivation to complete the project, these patterns will be registered in your brain.

The key is to break this pattern chain and create a new one. The solution might not be easy mentally, but it is surely simple. When you assign a certain task to yourself, make sure to take action on it.

Decide a deadline for yourself, keep up with the hard work, pull a few all-nighters if you need to (not a lot though!).

All these actions create a clear pattern in your brain that whenever there is a task at hand, you will be able to finish it in time, even if you have to put in extra time and effort.

Mental resilience for bad days:

The best of the stories come out of the most daunting experiences of the main character.

But somehow, they always tend to learn from these hard situations. It's hard to draw any conclusions or get inspired by the situation when you are currently stuck.

We need mental resilience for such days or phases of life. You can pick any activity that challenges you physically or mentally.

For me personally, it was swimming. I am water phobic but I still chose to learn swimming and I was hell scared.

But once I was able to float a little, paddle a little, then finally swim a little, the amount of mental strength and resilience it built was gigantic.

I am hell sacred of water and if I could accomplish this, I surely can tackle other tasks at hand, easily. (I drowned 3-4 times in the initial days and friends had to rescue me, lol)

Give importance to the tiniest of things:

It's you who makes things exciting or not so exciting. You have the choice and power to put the right energy into situations.

Create a vibe that helps you vibrate on a higher level. Give sheer importance to the way you dress up, even when you don't have to go anywhere.

Pay attention to how you make a cup of coffee for yourself, enjoy it (the same goes with any beverage you like, I am a lover of coffee). The energy you radiate is eventually attracted towards you!

A bit of romance with self is needed:

Like the way I explained making coffee for yourself, the process is very precise for me.

The right smoothness of froth for my cappuccino and then sprinkling a bit of chocolate powder, just the right way. It's the smallest things that make life a beautiful storyline and you the main character.

Put in extra time creating an intention for the attire you want to wear today. Make your reading time a bit more cozy, play rain music in the background, take extra time to care for your mental health, anything!

How to be the main character How to be the main character Reviewed by mindthecalm on April 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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