How to Master your Mornings:
into the mindset: Mastering your mornings is all about getting into the
right mindset a night before. There is no magic pill that will transform your
brain overnight but it’s you who needs to be stepping the right foot forward
with a little bit of preparation.
thing that needs to be done is laying out your clothes- workout clothes,
office clothes, chill clothes, whatever it is prepare it a night before!
thing sit down after you are done doing your house chores or putting your
babies to bed and map out the next day.
thing while planning out the next day don’t get emotional and put 50 things
on your to do list, just set 3 major tasks for the next day and prioritize them
by assigning a number in front of them. If a task is really important mark no 1
in front of it and so on.
good night sleep: The most relaxing and rewarding part of the day- sleep!
And if sleep is not that rewarding to do then you are doing it wrong. Sometimes
we are physically out of our work zone, office but leave our brain right there
and due to this our stress level increases because you are not in the moment
anyway and your sleep is compromised. See, it is as simple as ‘out of sight,
out of mind’ just focus where you are! So you can prepare for a good night
sleep by-
Taking a
shower helps you to relax and calm your muscles which have been stressed
due to a long day at work and creates a good buffer between your work zone and
chill zone.
out social appliances helps you get away from the blue light emitted from
the screens of such appliances which disturbs your body’s natural sleep
something mindful helps your brain to go to sleep with relaxing and calming
thoughts which will help you to have a good night sleep and wake up inspired.
Up Early: Now I know you have heard this a million times but truth can
never be changed. Getting up early can be a task for the beginners but once you
get into the flow of waking up early and enjoy your mornings, the result will
be surreal. Having the fresh rays of sun touch your soul and the fresh breeze
gushing through your hairs, it is amazing! Follow a few steps to get yourself
up early in the morning-
yourself with Coffee or hot tea, now it doesn’t necessarily have to be
coffee or tea, it can be anything that you like to reward yourself with for
getting up early.
Make your
Bed, it is scientifically proven that making bed everyday helps you to be
more productive and prevents you from getting into bed again after waking up as
you have invested time in making it pretty and put together.
on workout clothes always helps me to wake up a little as it is a signal
for my brain that it’s to sweat it out, so wake up!
Centric activities: OH! I can’t even start to tell you all how amazingly
beneficial these activities are! I have a tendency to very easily get stressed
and anxious which rolls into being overwhelmed and restless and the cycle is
never ending. It disturbs my entire flow of work that I have been trying to get
back to and so practicing these activities really help me stay calm and relaxed
throughout my day.
Where should I begin from, I have been practicing meditation for almost
three years now, on and off. Whenever I am in a rut and everything gets messy,
I always turn back to meditation to lead me through and help me be more calm
and relaxed.
has been a game changer for a person like me. It’s really hard for me to gather
my thoughts, they are always bolting here and there with a velocity that makes
quite anxious and dumping my thoughts everyday as first thing on a piece of
paper changed the whole game for me.
There is a reason why all the successful people incorporate exercise in
their daily routine, there has to be! Now, I can understand not everyone likes
to be in the gym and that’s totally ok, try getting out in the morning for a
walk or indulge in some form of physical activity like dance, volley ball, yoga
to make your workouts more interesting!
Review your WHY: Having the same intensity
of motivation to work towards to goals can be a little hectic sometimes because
we tend to deflect from our visions, our Why! Write down your Big goals on a
piece of paper or on your phone and review them daily before going to bed and
after waking up!
an Agenda for the day: Jumping into the day without any intentions set is
not a good idea! If there is not enough inspiration around you then create one!
Set an intention for the day- “today I will be happy and present” or “today I
will be productive” or “today I will focus on money management”, it can be
anything that you relate with or you think you are lagging in.
the Monster first: Having done the most frightening task first is the best
feeling ever, ever! Trust me I have been postponing this blog post for three
days now and decided finally decided to tackle it as first thing today and I
cannot tell how satisfied I am completing this post!
How to Master your Mornings
Reviewed by mindthecalm
June 21, 2019
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