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How to get things done: even when you don’t feel like it.

How to get things done: even when you don’t feel like it.

There are days when all you want to do is relax but deadlines waits for no one! And you have to get things done even when you don’t want to.
We all have been through such days and pushed ourselves enormously to get to the finish line for the day. But, there are some simple hacks that can help you go through such days with ease along with getting things done.

1.     Start your day with a plan: Planning days out is important and especially the days when you lack motivation. A very big reason for you to lose motivation is to lack clarity. When things start to look a little messed up, you start to feel overwhelmed due to the n no of tasks you need to get done and making a plan or a list for the day helps you to get out of that mess.

2.     Get ready: Even when you don’t feel like it, get up and dress up. Today, I was just not in the mood to do anything, I was lagging on my content and desperately needed to upload a new post on my blog. I didn’t knew where to start from because I was enough messed up in my head regarding the no of things I needed to get done and that too today itself. So, the first thing I decided to do, which I love doing, is to get ready and It’s been an hour since I have started working after I got ready and I am already onto my second task of the day!

3.     Clean up your Desk: Many studies have backed up the fact how decluttering your space helps you to be productive and efficient. Once you are ready or even before getting ready, totally depends on you, declutter your work space. Once you are done decluttering, rather do the space in way which makes you want to get things done. For me, I love to put on some fairy lights, turn on my diffuser, write my tasks of the day on a sticky note (the more sticky notes, the better), put on a relaxing tune etc.

4.     25-5 rule: On days when things seems a little hard to get done, start with setting an alarm for 25 minutes. When we sit down to work, it usually takes 10-15 minutes to settle down, look upon the things that needs to get done for now etc. So, convince your brain saying that you are just going to work for 25 minutes and then you will stop. Once you get into the flow, break it after 25 minutes to have a 5 minute break. This method will help you enjoy little efficient work sessions as long sessions on such days wouldn’t last long.

5.     Plan a treat: It is very important to reward yourself especially when you know you got done quiet lot of stuff even when you didn’t wanted to in the first place. Plan a dinner for yourself or a chill night in to binge watch and eat your favourite take out or plan a pampering night to treat yourself. Self-love is the ultimate source of motivation!

How to get things done: even when you don’t feel like it.  How to get things done: even when you don’t feel like it. Reviewed by mindthecalm on July 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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