How to
develop a Good Morning Routine:
Having a
morning routine is quite a hype, but in a good way. With thousands of options
present on the internet it is hard to choose which morning routine will be best
for you, but the good news is you can decide for your own self. The only
problem faced while developing one is when you don’t know exactly what to do
and in this post we will be discussing exactly that. This post will tell you
how you can possibly map out your morning routine, if you want to you can try
out the exactly same steps but experimenting with the steps will give you more
space to be authentic and real with your actions, let’s start:
1. Notice when your body wakes up
naturally: Fixing
rigid hours for waking up in the morning can be hard sometimes and our body can
feel a little drained out through out the day. Instead, observe how many hours
of sleep does your body requires. For a teenager it is usually around 7-9
hours of sleep and for an adult around 6-8 hours of sleep. Get yourself to sleep
around same time every day, in order to know what your natural body clock is.
You will realize that your body will respond to the mornings itself, when
provided with undisturbed sleep pattern and screen free night.
2. Notice what your first thoughts are: The very first thoughts that come
to your mind after waking up actually defines what your current mindset is. Few
months back, I use to wake up really anxious, thinking about all the
possibilities of not achieving my goals or not being good enough. Practicing
gratitude and meditation has really helped a lot in taking my negative thoughts
a back seat and wake me up with a feeling of thankfulness and gratitude.
3. Nourish your Body: ‘The best gift you have received
is your body!’ After Waking up, consume something that will help you to
wake up a little more and also nourishes your body. You can have a glass of
warm water with lemon, a glass of normal water, some type of tea, black coffee,
really anything, the only condition is it should be healthy. Nourishing your body
as first thing in the morning is a way to be thankful to have a healthy body
and show some self-love which starts the day on a positive note.
4. Loosen up your Body: Once you are fully awake, it’s time
to get into your conscious self. There is a huge difference between being awake
and being conscious about things. Everything you do serves to a purpose,
whether it is a purpose which leads to a healthy body, healthy mindset, a
successful business, anything! The best way to practice consciousness is
Yoga. Yoga helps your body to stretch away all the stress that your body have
developed while sleeping and all the anxiousness that your mind have been
5. Reflecting on the day: While you are doing your morning
ritual, you will be gradually attaining a mindset to start with the day along
with it. Based on the mindset and the way you are feeling at that point of time, set an agenda for the following day. Mindset is a really powerful tool when
addressed with real intentions and doing so can change your entire day for
6. Plan out the day: Divide a piece of paper into two
sections by drawing a line and mark ‘goals’ and ‘to do’ on top of both the
sections. Write down your three major goals of the month and aligning with
these three goals, assign three tasks that you will be tackling for the day and after that add any other chore in your to do list. In this way you will ensure that
you are taking actions towards your goals every single day and will help you to
be more productive.
7. Read or Listen to something: I love to read books in the
mornings, really helps me to set the tone for the day. Reading books in the
morning, more than often helps me to come up with the new ideas and provides me
with the motivation to work on my goals. But if you don’t have the time to read
you can totally opt for listening to podcasts.
8. Give yourself time while getting
ready: Always,
always take your sweet time while getting ready for the day. You feel confident
when you know you are looking good and put together. Grab your coffee, play
your favourite playlist or podcasts in the background and start getting ready!
Even when I am working from home I notice a great difference when I put in time
getting ready verses when I don’t.
How to develop a Good Morning Routine:
Reviewed by mindthecalm
July 10, 2019
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